Antonio Cera graduates in Economics at the Bocconi University of Milan, goes to England to learn the language, is at a step away from pursuing a career in banking. He then returns to his Gargano to leave again – from childhood places, from ‘general headquarters of mother Lina, aunt Maria and aunt Tanella, from ‘Maria’s Bakery’ which from 1961 onwards sees them as main characters, each with its own role of raised wonders, starts to work with them but always beginning from the family vegetable garden because aunt Tanella’s wisdom cares for the genuineness of the products and of her clients’ choices. In the year 2008 Antonio takes full control of the family business, observes, studies, undertakes regular supply of bread in the countryside, speaks with the farmers, with the heroes of the land and establishes fact finding and constructive talks with them.
Despite the stupor and initial doubts of aunt Maria who does not think of giving a name to the bakery, the ‘Sammarco Bakery’ begins to take shape, becomes known at Milan, in the year 2011, thanks to Viviana Varese, begins to collaborate with a few among the best restaurants, promotes a different story of the territory, of wanting to add something to the story of his family, of becoming a “bread tailor”, the small family bakery with its fantastic creations takes off to become a national and international reality.
In the year 2016, out of Bread and Earth ‘Grani Futuri’, the “international bread movement”, was born with its first events, which saw chefs and bakers working side by side; the Futurist Bread Movement with its eleven points for Good Bread is born, chefs and bakers are joined by entrepreneurs, producers, farmers, journalists, managers, lovers of poems on food and wine.
Antonio’s dream of redesigning the circular economy, of creating a network, is fulfilled and continues to fulfill day by day.
Antonio Cera, host of Italian Cuisine Week in New Delhi, will conduct Masterlass with Chefs from Oberoi Group, Institute of Culinary Arts e Indian School of Hospitality