Cinema at the Institute – TRAVEL AND ADVENTURE
Director: Vittorio de Seta. Cast: Djibril Kébé, Paola Aimone Rondo, Marco Baliani, Claudia Muzzi. Italy. 2006
Assane, a young Senegalese interrupts his studies and emigrates to Italy. Shipwrecked on Lampedusa, he is transferred to Sicily. He manages to escape and reach Villa Literno, near Naples, where his cousin guaranteed him work. But the job is unstable, the environment dangerous. He goes to Florence to see a female cousin with a French mother, who is a fashion model. She puts him up and can find him work, get his papers in order. But Assane cannot accept her offer because the man she lives with, an Italian architect, is against his religious principles. Just when things seem to be going better, Assane is beaten up by a gang of hooligans, is seriously traumatized and decides to return home. He is frustrated by not having lived up to his family’s expectations and goes through a long crisis.
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