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Lecture Presentation by Dr. Nuzhat Kazmi – The Rennaissance and Mughal Art: A COMPARATIVE FOCUS

Dr. Nuzhat Kazmi in her lecture will look though the mid 16th to early 17th centuries of the art of in India an Europe, centre of interest being the Renaissance Art and the Art of Mughals. The Lecture would draw attention to the areas in the two distinct artistic traditions and appreciate the channels that facilitated transmigration of ideas, concepts, motifs and symbols from one to the other. And more especially from the Renaissance Art to the practice of the art of painting in royal atelier of the Mughals in India.

Dr. Nuzhat Kazmi is the Founder Head of the Department of Art History & M Appreciation, presently is the Dean of the Faculty of Rne Arts, Jamia Millia lslamia, New Delhi. As a Commonwealth Scholar at the School of Oriental & African Studies at the University of London, she researched in museums all over the world and spoke at various important unNersities, including

that in Salamanca, Spain. Dr. Kazmi has written and published extensively as an academic, both nationally and internationally on various aspects of Islamic Art, Modern and Contemporary Art.