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LA STRADA (The Road)

Cinema at the Institute – TRAVEL AND ADVENTURE

Director: Federico Fellini. Cast: Anthony Quinn, Giulietta Masina, Richard Basehart, Marcella Rovena, Livia Venturini. Italy. 1954

Her very poor mother sells Gelsomina, a carefree girl, to Zampano, an itinerant strongman. Gelsomina follows him on the road, consequently enduring physical and emotional pain all along the way and helps him during his shows. Zampano ill-treats her. She meets ‘The fool’, a tight ropewalker. She feels like going with him, but he puts confusion in her mind by pointing out that perhaps Zampano is in fact in love with her…..

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  • Organizzato da: Istituto Italiano di Cultura, New Delhi
  • In collaborazione con: -