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CRISTO SI E’ FERMATO A EBOLI (Christ stopped at Eboli)

Cinema at the Institute – TRAVEL AND ADVENTURE

Director: Francesco Rosi. Cast: Gian Maria Volonté, Paolo Bonacelli, Alain Cuny, Lea Massari, Irene Papas. Italy. 1979

Carlo Levi was a painter and writer, but he also had a degree in medicine. Arrested in 1935 by Mussolini’s regime for his anti-Fascist activities, he was sent to live in a remote town in southern Italy, in the region of Lucania which is known today as Basilicata. The village is populated by inhabitants who barely survive on the meager harvest of the unyielding land. Eboli, the closest train station, is the last outpost of civilization (such as it is) before entering a world that has changed very little since the Middle Ages. Over time, he learns to appreciate the beauty and wisdom of the peasants, and to overcome his isolation.

Ingresso Libero: per motivi di sicurezza si prega di esibire la propria carta d’identita.

  • Organizzato da: Istituto Italiano di Cultura, New Delhi
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