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COSÌ È LA VITA – UNA STORIA VERA (Life is like that – a true story)

Cinema at the Institute – TRAVEL AND ADVENTURE

Director: Aldo, Giovanni e Giacomo e Massimo Venier. Cast: Marina Massironi, Antonio Catania, Francesco Pannofino, Giovanni Caccioppo. Italy. 1998

Aldo is in prison for credit card fraud. When he is taken in a police car to court, he takes his guard hostage and makes his getaway. When Giovanni hails the cop car to report a crime, he too is kidnapped and the three of them make for the countryside. Soon a bond grows among the three men, and they accept their new situation.

Ingresso Libero: per motivi di sicurezza si prega di esibire la propria carta d’identita.

  • Organizzato da: Istituto Italiano di Cultura, New Delhi
  • In collaborazione con: -